Screen Translator & Chat

by Sawan Apps



Screen Translator & Chat Translator app has been build to translate english and other languages into your desired language. Screen Translator & Chat Translator app provide more than 100 languages to translate. The app is a language translator & Photo Translator in which included functionalities are photo translate, chat translate and screen translate. it is a language translator app which will translate text from your screen without copy paste.This app can be a useful for photo translate & image translate. You can detect text from images and photos from your phone. Image Translate & Photo Translate is an application that will allow you to translate photo or video while using your phone.Main Features:* Read Screen ContentIn Screen Translator & Chat Translator the above mentioned function will allow you to detect text while moving the search icon over the screen. Screen Translator & Chat Translator detect text from your screen and translate it into your desired language. Either you translate english or others. so you do not need to copy and paste the text you want to translate. it will detect the text and translate it at the same time* Screen OCRScreen Translator & Chat Translator will allow you OCR functionality to crop text from your mobile screen while using any application in your mobile phone and it will translate it into your desired language. After enable OCR you have to click the icon. It will draw a view over your screen. Now you can crop area by dragging your finger on your phone screen where text exist. So it will detect that text and translate it for you. Accessibility Service UsageAccessibility Service usage in this Screen Translator and Chat Translator is only for reading screen content and text on the screen of your mobile phone to translate it in more than 100 languages. The usage of accessbility service in this application for only reading text purpose to read text from your phone screen and translate it in any language you want. Screen translator & Chat translator will not collect or share any of data or messages or any kind of information from the user while using the application.This application translate 100+ languages. Some of them are mentioned below:Translate ScreenTranslate ChatPhoto TranslateImage TranslateText TranslateHope you will enjoy the application. Be happy and keep smiling.